Monday, October 11, 2010


My name is Desiree Scheller. I am 17 and a Senior at Rib Lake High School. I have lived in Rib Lake my whole life with my mom, dad, and my three brothers Damian, Drew and Dylan.  I have a tendency to think about things in a way that is how i would like to see things happening in the future than a logical way. I am a visual learner and the more pictures and things that i can see the better i will be able to process information. I do this very slowly and i believe that it takes me a while to catch on to school work but song lyrics and skating routines somehow have a way of staying in my head a lot easier than anything else. I have a tendency to space out during long lectures but power points and such things keep my focus a little better. I have learned to tolerate people to the point that i can get along with anyone until they do something to upset me and after i lose trust in a person i really dont have the patience to deal with people who have done something to make me question their intentions. I have learned this through watching my older brothers relationships and some of my own also. My brother Damian has probably taught me the most about life and he has helped me any time i needed it. Previous relationships have also taught me a lot and that no matter how much you would like to sometimes you just cant fix things that have happened in your past. I would have to say that i take after my mom in my personality sense and what i think of others and how i see the world. I take after Damian in most of my bad driving habits and we have a lot of the same views on relationships and how to deal with people.

This is psychological because it describes me and how i see the world and that is what Psychology is all about... how people see themselves and the things around them.

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