Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Birthday Cards

The content of Birthday cards change drastically as you progress in age. When you are younger age, about 20, your cards are very positive and focus on how great it is to be older and that your adult life is just beginning and you are finally recognized as an adult. Once you become about 50 and "over the hill" your cards have a tendency to become more humorous and try to make light of the fact that you are getting old. They talk about your body getting worse, wrinkles coming and the fact that you pretty much have to accomplish anything you want to do soon! This is when cards talk about mid life crises and then once you get to old it focuses on the memories you have had and living what you have left of life to its fullest. It becomes more serious and more caring and kind to peoples feelings.

Eriksons theory on development states that "it is to maintain ego integrity (holding on to ones sense of wholeness) while at the same time, avoiding despair (fearing that there is too little time to begin a new life course)". If one can do this they will not regret there way of life and how they lived it. Also they will be able to cope with death a lot easier than others who worry about it too much. They said that no matter what everyone thinks about how there life would be different if they have chosen a different lifestyle.

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